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vendredi 3 juin 2016

ORACLE12c SAP special parameters

SAP 12c
_ktb_debug_flags = 8
_securefiles_concurrency_estimate = 50
_suppress_identifiers_on_dupkey = TRUE
_mutex_wait_time = 10
_mutex_wait_scheme = 1
_fix_control = 5099019:ON, 5705630:ON, 6055658:OFF, 6120483:OFF, 6399597:ON, 6430500:ON, 6440977:ON, 6626018:ON, 6972291:ON, 7168184:OFF, 7658097:ON, 8937971:ON, 9196440:ON, 9495669:ON, 13077335:ON, 1
3627489:ON, 14255600:ON, 14595273:ON, 18405517:2

_optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing_rel = NONE
_optimizer_adaptive_cursor_sharing = FALSE
_optim_peek_user_binds = FALSE
_optimizer_aggr_groupby_elim = FALSE
_optimizer_use_feedback = FALSE

_optimizer_batch_table_access_by_rowid  add with value "FALSE" ==>pour  fonctionner  comme  en 11
_advanced_index_compression_options     add with value "16"
_fix_control (20355502)                 add with value "20355502:8" ALTER SYSTEM SET "_FIX_CONTROL" ='20355502:8'  reduxtion des parse  pour query OR
_awr_mmon_deep_purge_all_expired        add with value "TRUE"  ==>purge AWR
_use_single_log_writer                  add with value "TRUE"  ==>bug  sur  AIX

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